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Por Caroline Cintra, g1 DF
04/12/2023 04h02 Atualizado 04/12/2023
Segundo a Associa��o Nacional dos Registradores de Pessoas Naturais (Arpen), em m�dia, 21 mil beb�s nascem mortos no Brasil todos os anos. Em 2023, 49,1% deles foram registrados.
A norma que permite registrar natimortos em cart�rio passou a valer em 2013 e, a cada ano, aumenta o n�mero de fam�lias que registram as crian�as. "Minha filha n�o est� aqui nos meus bra�os, mas tenho o documento de nascimento dela guardadinho. � uma forma de mostrar que ela veio ao mundo, mesmo n�o tendo permanecido", diz P�mela Alves, m�e de Maria Clara Alves, que nasceu morta em 2023.
O registro de natimorto ocorre apenas quando a crian�a j� nasce morta. Caso a m�e d� � luz um rec�m-nascido com vida, e depois ele venha a falecer, s�o feitos dois registros, o de nascimento e o de �bito. Em ambos o nome da crian�a � obrigatoriamente registrado.
P�s de um beb� rec�m-nascido. �
: Rainer Maiores/Pixabay
A chegada de um beb� � um momento muito esperado. No entanto, nem todos recebem boas not�cias na hora do parto. De acordo com a Associa��o Nacional dos Registradores de Pessoas Naturais (Arpen), por ano, cerca de 21 mil crian�as nascem mortas no Brasil.
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Uma norma publicada em setembro pela Corregedoria Nacional de Justi�a, �rg�o do Conselho Nacional de Justi�a (CNJ), permite que os pais dessas crian�as, chamadas de natimortas, registrem o nome do beb� nos cart�rios. Essa possibilidade come�ou em alguns estados em 2013 e, ano a ano, foi sendo ampliada (saiba mais abaixo).
Em 2023, quase 50% das crian�as natimortas foram registradas no pa�s, diz a Arpen.
"� importante para n�s, como fam�lia, ter esse registro. Minha filha n�o est� aqui nos meus bra�os, mas tenho o documento de nascimento dela guardadinho. � uma forma de mostrar que ela veio ao mundo, mesmo n�o tendo permanecido", diz P�mela Alves, m�e de Maria Clara Alves, que nasceu morta em 2023.
De acordo com o Provimento n� 151/23 do CNJ, passa a ser "direito dos pais atribuir, se quiserem, nome ao natimorto, sendo tamb�m poss�vel �queles que tiveram filhos natimortos realizarem esta inclus�o em um registro j� feito anteriormente, quando a inclus�o do nome n�o era permitida por norma estadual ou nacional".
Alguns estados permitem registro desde 2013
Certid�o de nascimento, nome do pai, nome da m�e, registro civil, cart�rios, reconhecimento paternidade �
: Divulga��o/Anoreg-PR
A possibilidade de inclus�o do nome em crian�as natimortas teve in�cio em 2013, quando S�o Paulo, Minas Gerais e Pernambuco expediram normas autorizando este tipo de registro em cart�rio de registro civil. Depois, outros estados foram normatizando o procedimento, que hoje � regulado em 23 unidades da Federa��o.
Atualmente, apenas Acre, Amap�, Esp�rito Santo, Tocantins e Sergipe n�o possuem norma local que permita a inclus�o do nome no registro de natimorto, mas os estados est�o inclu�dos na norma nacional.
Em 2013, quando as primeiras normativas foram publicadas, o total de crian�as natimortas com nome correspondia a 4%. A medida que outros estados passaram a adotar a norma, o �ndice foi aumentando:
2014: 13,4% 2023: 19,1%2023: 31,5% 2023: 41%2023: 49,1%
A expectativa � que a normativa nacional eleve este n�mero 80%, segundo a Arpen-Brasil.
'Olhar sens�vel'
Para o Corregedor Nacional de Justi�a, Ministro Luis Felipe Salom�o, "a padroniza��o nacional inserta no Provimento n. 151/2023, que possibilita aos pais atribu�rem nome ao filho que nasce morto, inclusive de forma retroativa, demonstra um olhar sens�vel para essa situa��o bastante infeliz e traz alento �s fam�lias que t�m que lidar com essa dif�cil perda".
�Trata-se de mais um avan�o humanit�rio em homenagem �queles pais que aguardaram t�o ansiosamente o nascimento de um filho, comprando roupas, montando o quarto, enfim, fizeram todos os preparativos para a grande chegada e que por raz�es da vida n�o puderam concluir esse sonho. Com a medida, espera-se atenuar a dor desses pais, permitindo-lhes a continuidade da vida com a lembran�a de um filho, cujo nome guardar�o para sempre�, explica Gustavo Renato Fiscarelli, presidente(Arpen-Brasil).
A Arpen explica que o registro de natimorto ocorre apenas quando uma crian�a j� nasce morta. Caso a m�e d� � luz a um rec�m-nascido com vida e depois ele venha a falecer s�o feitos dois registros, o de nascimento e o de �bito, e em ambos o nome da crian�a � obrigatoriamente registrado.
Obstetra ginecologista ultrassonografia gravidez gr�vida gesta��o gestante �
: Freepik
De acordo com a Arpen- Brasil, por ano, cerca de 500 crian�as nascem mortas no Distrito Federal. Com a medida, cerca de 11,9% dos beb�s natimortos em Bras�lia tiveram o nome registrado em cart�rio.
A possibilidade de registrar a crian�a natimorta no DF come�ou em 2013, quando o Tribunal de Justi�a e Territ�rios do DF (TJDFT) expediu o Provimento 31. No entanto, a norma foi publicada em 2023.
A assistente administrativa P�mela Alves, de 36 anos, foi uma das pessoas que, no ano passado, registrou o nome da filha. Maria Clara Alves morreu quando a m�e completou 39 semanas de gesta��o.
"Foi uma gravidez aparentemente tranquila, mas em um exame descobri que o cora��o n�o batia mais", conta P�mela.
A t�cnica de enfermagem Vanessa, de 31 anos, sonhava em ter um menino. M�e de duas adolescentes, ela conta que ter engravidado pelo terceira vez foi uma alegria. O parto estava previsto para 26 de outubro.
"No dia 20 [de outubro], fui fazer um exame e ele j� estava sem vida", conta. Ela estava gr�vida de 41 semanas. "N�o sei bem o que aconteceu, se j� tinha passado do tempo, mas perdi meu menino".
Vanessa diz que registro � o que guarda de lembran�a do filho t�o esperado. "� importante saber que ficou algo dele aqui comigo".
Natimortalidade no Brasil
O Minist�rio da Sa�de informou que a natimortalidade tem m�ltiplas causas no Brasil. De acordo com o Sistema de Informa��es sobre Mortalidade (SIM), 21,5% das mortes fetais t�m causas n�o especificadas, ao passo que 15% decorrem de hip�xia intrauterina n�o especificada (falhas do sistema de trocas gasosas).
Outras causas elencadas s�o:
Malforma��es graves Infec��o cong�nita por citomegalov�rusTranstornos do aparelho digestivo, cardiol�gico, respirat�rio, hematol�gico, end�crino ou cerebral, relacionados ao per�odo perinatalHidropisia fetalPlacenta pr�via Deslocamento prematuro da placentaS�filis cong�nitaAfec��es maternas Restri��o de crescimento intra-uterino.
Segundo o Minist�rio da Sa�de, antes de qualquer decis�o ou procedimento, os profissionais de sa�de realizam uma avalia��o cuidadosa para confirmar a morte fetal. "Isso pode incluir a utiliza��o de ultrassonografia e a ausculta��o dos batimentos card�acos", diz a pasta.
Os procedimentos que se seguem � morte fetal constatada podem incluir o parto, conforme o desenvolvimento do feto e as condi��es cl�nicas da m�e ou outros, a depender das circunst�ncias.
"� fundamental considerar que a qualidade do preenchimento da Declara��o de �bito (DO) e outras vari�veis, como peso ao nascer e momento do �bito em rela��o ao parto, s�o essenciais para esclarecer se o �bito foi neonatal ou fetal. A investiga��o dos �bitos fetais em tempo oportuno contribui para a maior fidedignidade das informa��es", diz o minist�rio.
Leia mais not�cias sobre a regi�o no g1 DF.
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playpix apostas online fiery slotsFirst Things First: What Is a Free Spins Bonus?
As you know, spinning the reels of a
slot machine costs something each and every time. While the cost is different in each
slot, there is some cost. Well, with the exception of free spins bonuses, of course. As
the name implies, this promotion allows you to spin the reels of specific slot games
for free, for a certain number of times. For example, if the bonus says �10 free spins
to use on Starburst�, this means you get to make 10 spins for free in Starburst � yes,
it is really that simple.
This bonus has the following features:
It can be used on a
single slot machine or on multiple slots � depends on the terms & conditions of the
It may or may not require making a deposit. We will explain this in detail
below, bit for now, know that you can win more spins if a deposit is required.
There is
almost always a time limit to use it. For example, you must use it within 24 hours or
it will be cancelled automatically. Check the terms & conditions to see when the offer
You can use the spins immediately and without waiting. But, withdrawing the
winnings will require a thing called �wagering requirement�, which we will explain
Why Are Free Spins Bonuses Important?
These bonuses are important because:
give you the chance to win even a jackpot prize. As a general rule, there is no maximum
limit on your free spin winnings: you can even win hundreds of thousands of pounds,
without spending a single penny.
They let you �test� the casino without making a
financial commitment. This is especially true if it is offered as a no deposit bonus.
You get to play real money slots without making a deposit and take a closer look at the
UK casino. If you don�t like the experience, you can simply move away because you did
not make any commitments.
They give you spins for free. Everybody likes freebies, and
everybody likes slots. This bonus combines both and offers the best of both
There Is More Than One Type of Free Spins Bonuses
If you think that there is
only one type of free spins bonus, you are wrong: this promotion comes with various
types, and each one offers a different experience. Most of the time, the difference is
whether a deposit is required or not, but there are other reasons too. Below, we list
all the types of this bonus you may encounter and explain each of them in detail.
Spins Deposit Bonus
As the name implies, making a deposit is mandatory in order to
activate this bonus. The minimum deposit amount is different at each UK online casino.
Sometimes you need to deposit 10 GBP and sometimes 20 GBP � check the terms &
conditions to see the actual limits. The marketing line of this bonus looks like this:
�Deposit �10, Win 10 Spins for Free!�.
Free Spins No Deposit Bonus
Again, as the name
implies, a deposit is not needed to activate this bonus. You get it in exchange for
becoming a member. You can use your spins immediately after completing the
registration. The marketing line of this bonus looks like this: �Join and Claim 5 Free
Spins Today!�. The number of spins you get will be fewer than in the deposit
Welcome Bonus Codes
These are actual codes that are used to activate a free
spins deposit bonus. While making the deposit, you must enter a coupon code, which is a
combination of random letters and numbers (i.e. �FSWB200� for getting 200 FS). The
deposit page has a special section for these codes. And you can learn the actual codes
from the current promotions page.
Deposit Bonus + Free Spins
This is a type of a
welcome bonus, and it means that you will get a match rate for your first deposit and
also win free spins. So, the spins are an extra, not the only offer. For example, if
you deposit �10, the UK casino will match it by 100% and give you another �10. In
addition, you will get 10 free spins to use.
Reload Bonus Codes
This is a constant
bonus that gives you free spins every time you make a deposit. Unlike welcome bonuses,
it can be used infinitely. The number of spins you get will be quite a few, but they
will be constant: whenever you make a deposit, you will win them.
Match Bonus
These are the codes to win the match bonus (deposit bonus + free spins) we
explained above. They are the same thing as welcome bonus codes: a random combination
of numbers and letters you must use during the deposit process.
Free Spins No Deposit
So, how about some examples? We explained free spins no deposit bonuses above,
but seeing them �in action� is a different thing. Below, you can see a list of all
common free spins no deposit bonuses and their meanings.
spins Become a member, get 5 FS for free to use on the Book of Dead slot! 10 free spins
Sign up and win 10 FS to use on the Starburst slot! 20 free spins 20 Bonus Spins on
Gonzo�s Quest Slot. No code required. 30 free spins 25 Extra Spins upon Registration.
No code required. 50 free spins Up to 50 Bonus Spins on Gold Canyon Slot, Monday
We can keep going, but you get the idea: this type of a no deposit bonus
requires only becoming a member and nothing else. In exchange, you get a certain number
of free spins to use on pre-selected slot machines. The number of spins and the games
will be different at each UK online casino. Sometimes you will get 30 FS to use on any
slot game of a specific provider, and sometimes you will get 5 FS to use on a single
slot machine. As can be guessed, the more spins you get, the better.
Can I Use a Free
Spins With No Deposit Bonus on Mobile Devices?
The short answer is yes � in general,
free spins can be used on mobile devices. This is because of a simple reason: the
gambling operator gives you free spins to use on slot games, and all modern slots work
on mobile devices. Therefore, this bonus can be used on mobile devices too.
The long
answer is a little complex: yes, but it depends on the game and your operating system.
Let us explain: almost all slots developed before the 2000s use Flash technology. (Yes,
that Flash technology, which you need to update constantly and almost every week.)
Nowadays, slot machines are built with HTML5 technology, which allows them to run on
browsers. (That�s also why they are compatible with different kinds of devices, desktop
or mobile.) But back in the day, providers were developing them with Flash and this
technology is compatible only with PCs & Android devices: iOS does not support
Simply put, if the free spins bonus offer is for a slot machine made with Flash,
you may not use it on iOS devices (iPhone & iPad). It will work only on PCs and
Android. But if the offer is for a modern slot game that is developed after the 2000s,
there will be no problems: you will be able to use it on any device and platform. And,
fortunately, the majority of these bonus offers are for modern slot games.
How Can I
Get and Use Free Spins in the UK?
Claiming free spins no deposit (or regular free
spins) bonuses are not hard. Even if you have not claimed a casino bonus before, you
can complete the whole process in a maximum of 10 minutes. Maybe less, if you follow
the steps listed below. We explain this topic with two examples: the first one is about
a no deposit bonus, and the second one is about the usual deposit bonus. What you need
to do depends on the bonus type, hence two examples:
Claiming and Using a Free Spins No
Deposit Bonus
Obviously, the first thing you need to do is to find an online casino in
the United Kingdom that offers this promotion. Don�t waste your time by searching the
internet: we have already picked the best UK casino sites with this bonus. Visit any of
the online casinos mentioned in this post. You need to become a member, so look for a
button/link that says �join�, �register�, �sign up�, etc. Usually, it is located at the
top right corner of the main page. Click on that button/link. A registration form will
launch. Fill out the form and make sure to give correct information. If you decide to
stay as a member, you will be asked to verify the information you gave during the
registration process in the future. Otherwise, you won�t be able to make withdrawals.
Before completing the membership form, open the current promotions page and check
whether a promo code is needed for the bonus. If needed, enter it to the membership
form. If not, you can complete the form and submit. In any case, a verification link
will be sent to your email. Click on that link to verify & activate your account. Log
in to the online casino with your credentials and check your profile page: you should
see your bonus here. The process is automatic, and the promo will be applied to your
account immediately after the login. If not, contact customer support and ask for
manual activation.
Claiming and Using a Free Spins Deposit Bonus
Steps 1 � 5 are the
same: Find an online casino UK with this bonus, become a member, verify & activate your
account, and log in with your credentials. You need to make a deposit to activate the
bonus. The process is automatic but requires funding your casino account(it will be
applied to your account automatically but only after the deposit is made). Each bonus
has a different minimum deposit limit. For example, you need to deposit at least �/�10
to activate it. Before making the deposit, open the current promotions page and read
the terms & conditions to learn this minimum limit. While you are there, check whether
a bonus code is needed. You are now ready to make your first deposit, so do it: pick a
payment method, make sure to deposit not less than a minimum required amount, use a
bonus code if necessary. The bonus will be activated automatically as soon as you see
the deposit in your account. Based on which method you used, the waiting period can be
anytime between 10 minutes and 2-3 hours. (For example, credit card deposit are nearly
instant, but bank transfers will require a lot more time). If your bonus does not
activate automatically even after the deposit is completed, contact customer
As can be seen, no matter which bonus type you use, the whole process is
mostly automatic. However, don�t forget that these are just general steps. While they
can be used for the majority of free spins bonuses, you should read the T&Cs each and
every time. Each promotion is unique and reading its terms will prevent you from having
the issues with withdrawal of your winnings.
Checklist for Choosing the Best Casino
Free Spins Bonus
As we mentioned at the beginning, there are plenty of free spins
bonuses at UK online casinos, and all of them claim to be the best one out there. Thing
is, being the best promotion requires a lot more than big figures and impressive
marketing lines. We used a lot of criteria to pick the best free spins no deposit
bonuses you see in this guide, and we recommend you do the same. Below, you can see our
�checklist� for choosing the best free spins bonuses.
Wagering Requirements
Wagering is
a must in almost every online casino bonus. If we simply explain this requirement:
spins are available to use right after the registration/first deposit, there is no
limitation. You can use them immediately.
If you win a cash prize with those spins, it
will be credited to your account right away.
However, you won�t be able to withdraw
this payout: it will be �locked.�
In order to unlock it, you must wager a certain
amount of money. This means making a deposit and using that deposit to play games �
just making the deposit is not enough.
How much money you need to wager depends on the
bonus terms. Some will require wagering 20 times prize amount, some will ask for a 40x
Here is a simple example: If the wagering rate is 20x and you have won 20 GBP
with your spins, you must wager 400 GBP first (20 x 20).
When you complete this
requirement, your prize will be unlocked automatically, and you will be able to
withdraw it. As can be guessed, you must look for bonuses with low wagering rates � the
lower, the better. If the rate is too high, it may take too long to complete it. So,
check the wagering rate before anything else.
Cashout Limit
If there is no wagering
requirement, look for the cashout limit. While it is very rare, some free spin bonus
offers may be presented as �no wagering needed�. The thing is, there is no such thing
as �completely free� � there is always a catch. In this situation, the catch is the
maximum cashout limit. If there is no wagering, there will be a limit for the maximum
withdrawal. For example, if the casino site says �20 GBP maximum cashout,� this
You can use your free spins and win any prize (even hundreds of thousands of
However, you will be allowed to withdraw only �20 EUR, even if you have won
much more than that.
After withdrawing �20, the rest of your winnings will be forfeited
Be a smart gambler and look for limits. There is always a limitation
about withdrawals, the maximum prize that can be won, or the cost of each spin. Check
these limitations and make sure that they are fair & reasonable.
Speaking of limitations, don�t forget to check whether the usage of your
spins is restricted to a single game. In general, these spins can be used on only one
slot machine, selected by the UK casino itself. If it is a game like Starburst, this is
not a big problem. But some games are really bad � they have quite low RTP rates.
Ideally, you should prefer free spins bonuses that can be used on multiple slot
machines (i.e. all slots of Betsoft). If this is not possible and the offer is limited
to a single game, make sure that it is a good slot with a high RTP rate.
Until you complete the wagering requirement, there can be several
restrictions on your account. Make sure that they are fair. In this context:
As long as
possible, pick bonuses that don�t restrict your withdrawals until the wagering is
complete. If you cannot withdraw money before completing the wagering, this may be a
There will be a maximum limit on your bets until you complete the wagering.
This is normal and expected. However, if this maximum limit is less than 5 GBP, this is
not fair � completing the wagering will take too much time. Make sure that the maximum
limit is at least 5 GBP and higher.
Other Bonuses
Free spins are not the only bonus you
can use at UK online casinos. If you liked what you see, you would want to keep playing
on the website. In that case, make sure that the other bonuses are useful and fair too.
For example, there should be a daily reload bonus and a weekly cashback bonus. And if
you can win daily free spins even after becoming a member, that�s always a big plus. In
short, don�t just check the free spins bonuses � check all promotions.
FAQ About Free
Spins Bonuses
What is the meaning of �no wagering free spins�?
This means you don�t
need to complete a wagering requirement to be able to cash out winnings. You can
withdraw them immediately. We explained the meaning of wagering above and mentioned
that bonuses without a requirement are quite rare, but they still exist. The point is,
if no wagering requirement is available, there is another type of limitation, usually a
max cashout limit. Make sure to read the T&Cs to see what kind of restrictions apply to
the bonus: wagering/playthrough is not the only limitation out there.
If the spins are
free, can you still win real money with them?
Of course. This means you don�t need to
pay for the spins. But if they result in a winning, it is yours to keep (only after
completing a playthrough requirement, of course). And, as can be guessed, you should
not be playing the games in demo mode: if you are just trying them, nothing will be
�real�, including your balance and winnings. So, the conditions are simple: you must
use your bonus in real-money slots. If you do, your payouts will also be in real
Do I need to register for an account in order to get a free spins bonus?
Unlike us, UK casino sites will require registration before letting you play games and
making deposits & withdrawals. This is because of licensing conditions: the United
Kingdom Gambling Commission has placed many obligations on casino sites, and keeping
customers� credentials is among them. Regardless of what type, you must first complete
the registration process to activate a bonus. And, as we mentioned above, we do not
recommend completing this process with false information: you will be asked to verify
your credentials in the future.
Which slot machines are the best to use these spins?
be honest, you will be limited to slot games chosen by the UK casino operator, so this
choice will not be up to you for most of the time. However, if you can choose from a
list of slot machines, we recommend checking their paytables and picking the ones with
the maximum symbol payouts. Let us explain: each slot game has symbols, and each symbol
set has a different payout value. For example, landing 5 symbols next to each other can
pay �5 in one game and �5 in another. Since we are looking for the maximum return,
picking the games with the maximum symbol payouts is the best course of action.
Is this
bonus just for new members or for all members?
This depends on the casino. Most casino
sites offer this bonus as a �lure,� to reel new customers in. And once you join, that�s
the end of it: there will be no more freebies. But some UK casino sites offer it to all
the members, as a daily/weekly bonus. For example, you keep winning spins for free
every time you make a deposit. (This is called a reload bonus). As can be guessed, you
should prefer UK online casinos that offer this bonus to all members, new and regular.
And you should always check the wagering terms, because the requirements for new and
current members will always be different.
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The Goonies is a 1985 American adventure comedy film directed and co-produced by Richard Donner from a screenplay by Chris Columbus based on a story by Steven Spielberg and starring Sean Astin, Josh Brolin, Jeff Cohen, Corey Feldman, Kerri Green, Martha Plimpton, and Ke Huy Quan, with supporting roles done by John Matuszak, Anne Ramsey, Robert Davi, Joe Pantoliano, and Mary Ellen Trainor. In the film, a group of kids who live in the "Goon Docks" neighborhood of Astoria, Oregon, attempt to save their homes from foreclosure and, in doing so, they discover an old treasure map that takes them on an adventure to unearth the long-lost fortune of One-Eyed Willy, a legendary 17th-century pirate. During the adventure, they are chased by a family of criminals who want the treasure for themselves.
The film was produced by Spielberg's Amblin Entertainment, and released by Warner Bros. theatrically on June 7, 1985, in the United States. The film grossedR$125 million worldwide on a budget ofR$19 million and has since become a cult film.[3][4] In 2024, the film was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress as being "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant".[5][6]
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O Instituto Brasileiro da Ci�ncia de Sa�de (IBSCH) � vinculado � Secretaria de Sa�de do Rio de Janeiro; ocupa o cargo de presidente do �rg�o.
Tamb�m tem uma sede administrativa no Rio de Janeiro.
A Ag�ncia Brasileira para o envelhecimento � tamb�m vinculada ao Minist�rio da Sa�de do Rio de Janeiro, �rg�o ligado ao Minist�rio da Sa�de.
J� o Conselho de Seguran�a e a Ag�ncia Brasileira de Medicamentos P�blicos Estaduais (ABMs) s�o todos representados pelo IBSCH.
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